The CFX Automation System II works with all CFX Real-Time PCR Detection Systems to enable walk-away, high-throughput qPCR operation. Integrate this robotic plate handler with one or two CFX Systems to maximize throughput while maintaining a compact footprint. CFX Maestro Software Works Seamlessly ...
性能特点伯乐新一代CFX Opus 384实时荧光定量PCR仪提升了温控性能。在摸屏上即可进行样品设置、运行程序编辑,并对特定样品孔的扩增曲线监控,用户界面直观而友好,仪器操控更加便捷。CFX Maestro软件,功能强大,一键式数据收集、数据分析和导出可用于发表演示的高分辨率图片。1、光梭检测技术光梭移动到反应孔上方时,光直接...
Maximize your qPCR nucleic acid detection with the largest wells in Bio-Rad qPCR. Learn More Real-Time PCR Analysis Software CFX Maestro Software is built to work with the CFX series of real-time PCR systems and is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use comprehensive tool for plate setup, data...
■CFX Maestro安版软件,满足GLP关于数据采集和分析的规范 Bio-Rad伯乐实时荧光定量PCR cfx384技术参数: 热循环部件:C1000 Touch 样品容量:1个384孔板 样品体积**大:30μl 光学部件: 荧光激发范围:5个LED灯(400–650 nm) 荧光检测范围:5个光敏二管(515–690 nm) ...
伯乐CFX Opus 384新款实时荧光定量PCR仪主要功能用途 伯乐CFX Opus 384实时荧光定量PCR仪借助于PCR反应体系中加入的荧光基团,可实时监测PCR全过程累积的荧光信号,通过荧光信号的分析对比分析,实现快速、准确、可靠地定性(阴性/阳性)、定量检测。 主要应用包括: ...
■CFX Maestro软件—基因表达分析功能可对多个参考基因及每个基因的扩增效率进行归一化,可进行t-检验和ANOVA统计学分析 ■ 可扩展性—一台计算机可同时连4台仪器 BIO-RAD伯乐1855202 CFX Connect实时定量PCR仪技术参数: 热循环部件:C1000 样品容量:96 x 0.2 ml反应管 ...
型号:CFX384 Touch 品牌:BIO-RAD 测量精度:±0.2°C 货号:1855195 加工定制:否 规格:样品容量384孔 重量:21 kg (47 lb) 测量范围:0℃–100°C 外形尺寸:13 x 18 x 14" bio-rad伯乐CFX384 Touch荧光定量PCR仪性能描述: CFX384 Touch 光学系统结合 C1000 Touch 热循环仪,组成功能强大、检测灵敏的实时定...
Bio-Rad伯乐CFXOpus 384高通量实时荧光定量PCR仪主要功能用途伯乐CFXOpus 384实时荧光定量PCR仪借助于PCR反应体系中加入的荧光基团,可实时监测PCR全过程累积的荧光信号,通过英光信号的分析对比分析,实现快速、准确、可靠地定性 (阴性/阳性)、定量检测。主要应用包括:1、基因表达水平定分析在生理、病理、环境助迫以及SIRN...
Then, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was conducted using SYBR® GREEN following the manufacturer’s instructions with the help of Real-Time PCR Detection Systems Bio-red CFX Maestro (version 1.0). The following primer sets were used: iNOS, forward, 5′-CGT AGC AAA CCA CCA AGT-...
(Sigma-Aldrich) was used to perform all the RT–qPCR reactions using the X96 Touch Real-Time PCR Detection System (Biorad). Data were analysed using CFX Maestro Software.SlActin(Solyc03g078400) was selected as the house-keeping reference gene. The relative expression of genes was calculated...