Brian's Song James Caan, Billy Dee Williams, Jack Warden 141 votes The emotionally charged story of Chicago Bears teammates Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers takes center stage in the classic sports film, Brian's Song. James Caan and Billy Dee Williams stand-in as the two football players whose...
James Willcock, known for his esoteric sets, is the art director. The film is described by co-producer Jean Labadie as "a return to the Greenaway of The Draughtsman's Contract." It features Greenaway's trademark neoclassical compositions and graphic sexuality. The music is by Włodek Pawlik...
Showcasing Chadwick Boseman's dynamic portrayal of James Brown, Get on Up dances through the rise, fall, and ultimately triumphant resurgence of one of the most influential musicians in history. Told using an innovative nonlinear style, the film delves into the Godfather of Soul's troubled childh...
They are also the co-hosts of theErotic Awakening Podcast, an educational show that explores “all things erotic” since 2011; co-founders of theColumbus Space, an alternative community center; 2016 MAsT International Member’s Choice Presenter of the Year Award winner; Great Lakes region title ...
a financial adviser. Her ancestry includes German and English, as well as some Scottish, Irish, Welsh and 1/16th Italian. She was named after James Taylor, and her mother believed that if she had a gender neutral name it would help her forge a business career. Taylor spent most of her ...
Brian's Song James Caan, Billy Dee Williams, Jack Warden 131 votes The emotionally charged story of Chicago Bears teammates Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers takes center stage in the classic sports film, Brian's Song. James Caan and Billy Dee Williams stand-in as the two football players whose...
Brian's Song James Caan, Billy Dee Williams, Jack Warden 131 votes The emotionally charged story of Chicago Bears teammates Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers takes center stage in the classic sports film, Brian's Song. James Caan and Billy Dee Williams stand-in as the two football players whose...
Brian's Song James Caan, Billy Dee Williams, Jack Warden 142 votes The emotionally charged story of Chicago Bears teammates Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers takes center stage in the classic sports film, Brian's Song. James Caan and Billy Dee Williams stand-in as the two football players whose...
Brian's Song James Caan, Billy Dee Williams, Jack Warden 131 votes The emotionally charged story of Chicago Bears teammates Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers takes center stage in the classic sports film, Brian's Song. James Caan and Billy Dee Williams stand-in as the two football players whose...
Brian's Song James Caan, Billy Dee Williams, Jack Warden 129 votes The emotionally charged story of Chicago Bears teammates Brian Piccolo and Gale Sayers takes center stage in the classic sports film, Brian's Song. James Caan and Billy Dee Williams stand-in as the two football players whose...