with open(seq_file,encoding='utf-8') as sf:seq_list=sf.read().split('\n')#print(seq_list)sf.close()#按行读取,按字典查找替换,符号采用'<>',若采用其他,可自行修改。结果转为列表 new_seq = []for seq in seq_list:data=seq for word in dict_list:data = data.replace(word, '<' ...
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3.1 File File(文件特征与管理):File类是对文件系统中文件以及文件夹进行封装的对象,可以通过对象的思想来操作文件和文件夹。 File类保存文件或目录的各种元数据信息,包括文件名、文件长度、最后修改时间、是否可读、获取当前文件的路径名,判断指定文件是否存在、获得当前目录中的文件列表,创建、删除文件和目录等方法。
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DNA has evolved as a cutting-edge medium for digital information storage due to its extremely high density and durable preservation to accommodate the data explosion. However, the strings of DNA are prone to errors during the hybridization process. In ad