BioBidet BB-1000智能高端马桶盖 温度可调节 节电 3合1冲洗【Amazon】
BioBidet Supreme BB-1000 Elongated White Bidet Toilet Seat 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 BioBidet BB-1000智能高端马桶盖 温度可调节 节电 3合1冲洗 499.00 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里 现有 Bio Bidet BB-1000 奢华智能电子坐便器,现价$299。美国境内免运费。 买高级马桶盖可不是只有去日本哦!这款Bio Bidet奢华智能电子坐便器就能满足你的要求。坐垫圈可以加热,寒冷天气用也很温暖舒适。而且女性生理期上厕所,也不容易着凉,缓解疼痛。坐便器采用抗菌材料制成,设计符合人体工程学,减少脊柱...
Bio Bidet Supreme BB-1000 Round White Bidet Toilet Seat Adjustable Warm Water 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Bio Bidet BB-1000 豪华版智能马桶盖 999.00 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
The BB-1000 seat also comes with a convenient side control panel to directly operate bidet seat. This compact remote control can do it all. It can control water temperature, pressure, oscillating, pulsating, enema, power saving, auto, manual, massage as well as nozzle position control. It ...