> for (i in 1:10) {print ("Hello,World")} [1] "Hello,World" [1] "Hello,World" [1] "Hello,World" [1] "Hello,World" [1] "Hello,World" [1] "Hello,World" [1] "Hello,World" [1] "Hello,World" [1] "Hello,World" [1] "Hello,World" > i=1;while(i <= 10) {print ...
histfit函数是MATLAB中用于绘制直方图和拟合正态分布曲线的函数。在histfit函数中,可以通过更改BinWidth参数来调整直方图的柱宽。 BinWidth是直方图中每个柱子的宽度,它决...
As described in the Introductory Fisheries Analysis with R book, specific bin widths may be created by creating a sequence of numbers that represent the lower values of each bin. This sequence is most easily created with seq() which takes the minimum value, the maximum value, and a step ...
TH1D *h = (TH1D*)inputFile->Get(hName);cout<<"Number of bins in the histogram: "<< h->GetSize() <<"\n"; h->Draw();doublenhBins = h->GetSize();for(inti=0; i < nhBins; i++)cout<< h->GetBinWidth(i) <<", ";cout<<endl;// Fit functiondoublenParam =2, maxValue...
Gibt die Anzahl der Punkte in jedem Bereich an. Doppelter Wert mit Lese-/Schreibzugriff.SyntaxAusdruck. BinWidthValueAusdruck Eine Variable, die ein ChartGroup-Objekt darstellt.Siehe auchChartGroup-Objekt (PowerPoint)Support und FeedbackHaben Sie Fragen oder Feedback zu Office VBA oder zu dieser...
In this study, a unique method known as Equal Area-Equal Width-Equal Bin Numbers is introduced to group the parts of a ball bearing assembly by taking into account their range of tolerance. A full factorial design is used to conduct the experiments, and the salp swarm optimization (SSO) ...
开发者ID:rmurrells,项目名称:VertexBuilderTest,代码行数:26,代码来源:plot.cpp 示例3: getFWHM ▲点赞 3▼ // get FWHHMvector<double> getFWHM(RooRealVar *mass, RooAbsPdf *pdf, RooDataSet *data,doublewmin=110.,doublewmax=130.,doublestep=0.0004) {cout<<"Computing FWHM..."<<endl;double...