BINU and the Great Wall (Isis General Fiction)的创作者 ··· 苏童 作者 作者简介 ··· 苏童,男,1963年生。1980年考入北京师范大学中文系。1983年开始发表小说,出版了中短篇小说集《妻妾成群》、《伤心的舞蹈》、《妇女乐园》、《红粉》等,长篇小说《米》《我的帝王生涯》、《武则天》、《城北地带...
苏童,碧奴,英译本,英文版,葛浩文译,Binu and the Great Wall of China by Su, Tong,translated by Howard Goldblatt.pdf ISBN-10:1847670628 ISBN-13:9781847670625 In Peach Village, crying is forbidden. B…
《Binu and the Great Wall of China》内容简介: In Peach Village, crying is forbidden. But as a child, Binu never learnt to hide her tears. Shunne...
Binu and the Great Wall of China In Peach Village, crying is forbidden. But as a child, Binu never learnt to hide her tears. Shunned by the villagers, she faced a bleak future, until she met Qiliang, an orphan who offered her his hand in marriage. Then one day Qiliang d... S To...
13 But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. 14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; 15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments ...
Binu And The Great Wall的创作者 ··· 苏童 作者 葛浩文 译者 作者简介 ··· 苏童,男,1963年生。1980年考入北京师范大学中文系。1983年开始发表小说,出版了中短篇小说集《妻妾成群》、《伤心的舞蹈》、《妇女乐园》、《红粉》等,长篇小说《米》《我的帝王生涯》、《武则天》、《城北地带》等。小说《米...
所有“没用”的点击都是匿名的。 > Binu and the Great Wall (Canongate Myths) 作者: Su Tong 出版: Canongate Books Ltd 定价: USD 26.84 装帧: Hardcover 页数: 224 页 时间: 2007-11-01 订阅Binu and the Great Wall (Canongate Myths)的书评 ©...
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BINU and the Great Wall (Isis General Fiction) 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 从远古的"生民"到现在的"市民",人类的世界观越来越富于理性的注入。就像一个孩子从小到大,懂得多了,就不再单纯地仅以情感来看待一件事情。神话离成年人很遥远了。小时候听到的神话传说,充满着神奇瑰丽的色彩,如果现在再听,是不是...
喜欢Binu and The Great Wall 电子书 的读者还喜欢 Binu and The Great Wall 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 叶子撒满了被尘封的院落 看到,想到秋天的缠绵 云淡风轻和兄弟在一起 看他笑得有苦楚又清扬 窈窕淑女是诗中的梦 但看到谁的落发 飘落在我们的眉目之间 评分☆...