The meaning of BINOMIAL NOMENCLATURE is a system of nomenclature in which each species of animal or plant receives a name of two terms of which the first identifies the genus to which it belongs and the second the species itself.
Binomial Nomenclature Definition Binomial nomenclatureis a binomial system of naming aspecies. A binomial name is comprised of two parts. They are (1) thegeneric name(genus name) and (2) the specific name (orspecific epithet, in botanical nomenclature). It is often in a Latinized form.Synonyms...
Define binomial nomenclature. binomial nomenclature synonyms, binomial nomenclature pronunciation, binomial nomenclature translation, English dictionary definition of binomial nomenclature. n. The scientific naming of species whereby each species receive
binomial nomenclature binomial population binomial theorem binominal Binominous Binotonous Binous binovular Binoxalate Binoxide bins bint binturong binuclear binucleate binucleated Binucleolate Binyon bio bio- bio lab bio... bioaccumulate bioaccumulation bioacoustics bioactive bioactivity ▼ Full browser ?
Define Binominal nomenclature. Binominal nomenclature synonyms, Binominal nomenclature pronunciation, Binominal nomenclature translation, English dictionary definition of Binominal nomenclature. n. The scientific naming of species whereby each species re
Define Bionomial nomenclature. Bionomial nomenclature synonyms, Bionomial nomenclature pronunciation, Bionomial nomenclature translation, English dictionary definition of Bionomial nomenclature. n. The scientific naming of species whereby each species re
binominal nomenclature n (Biology) a system for naming plants and animals by means of two Latin names: the first indicating the genus and the second the species to which the organism belongs, as inPanthera leo(the lion) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ...
Define binomial theorem. binomial theorem synonyms, binomial theorem pronunciation, binomial theorem translation, English dictionary definition of binomial theorem. n. Mathematics The theorem that specifies the expansion of any power m of a binomial as a
Define Trinominal nomenclature. Trinominal nomenclature synonyms, Trinominal nomenclature pronunciation, Trinominal nomenclature translation, English dictionary definition of Trinominal nomenclature. n. The scientific naming of species whereby each speci
binomial experiment binomial nomenclature binomial theorem binominal Binominous Binotonous Binous binovular Binoxalate Binoxide bins bint binturong binuclear binucleate binucleated Binucleolate Binyon bio bio- bio lab bio... bioaccumulate bioaccumulation ▼...