Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science at Binghamton University--SUNY (Watson) has a rolling application deadline. The application fee is $75 for U.S. residents and $75 for international students. Its tuition is full-time: $11,310 per year (in-state); full-time: $23...
n/a student body at binghamton university--suny (watson) composition enrollment 154 employed when first enrolling n/a minority students 14% enrolled students who are veterans or active service members n/a international students 64% average age of new entrants 25 years student gender ...
Binghamton University--SUNY confers degrees through various schools, such as: the School of Management, the Thomas J. Watson College of Engineering and Applied Science, the Decker School of Nursing, and the Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership. School of Management Enrollment ...
纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校(Binghamton University–SUNY)又称宾汉姆顿大学, 素有“公立常春藤”美誉,位于美国纽约州南部的宾汉姆顿市。宾汉姆顿大学是纽约州立大学系统中排名和声望最高的大学,其学生综合满意程度为91%。同时,该校是纽约州立大学系统下四大国家级研究型大学中排名和声望最高的,也是四大分校中唯一一所...
纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校(State University of New York at Binghamton),始建于1946年,坐落于美国...
Binghamton University is home to a variety of exceptional programs that have garnered national recognition. The School of Management consistently ranks among the best in the nation, offering students a strong foundation in business education. The Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Scie...
about thomas j. watson college of engineering and applied science named for the founder of ibm corp., the thomas j. watson college of engineering and applied science at binghamton university was founded in 1983. today, binghamton is home to the fastest-growing engineering school in new york sta...
哈勃文理学院(Harpur College of Arts and Sciences)为宾汉顿大学中成立最久也是最大的教学单位。目前共有29个系所,并提供了12种学位,横跨人文,艺术自然与社会科学,以及数学。 汤玛士·华生工程与应用科学学院(Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science)工学院是该校成长最快的学院。最近更成立了...
学校于公元1950年并入纽约州立大学体系(State University of New York,简称SUNY),当时校名为哈波学院(Harpur College),直到1992年正式改名为纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿大学(Binghamton University)。 纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿大学Binghamton University SUNY 地理位置: