Night Eating Syndrome (NES), involves “recurrent episodes of night eating, as manifested by eating after awakening from sleep or by excessive food consumption after the evening meal [1].” The DSM-5 also specifies that “there is awareness and recall of the eating” and that “the night ea...
binge‐eating disordereating disorder not otherwise specifiedhealthcare costshealthcare utilizationobservational studyABSTRACT Objective The objective of this study was to compare the one‐year healthcare costs and utilization of patients with binge‐eating disorder (BED) to patients with eating disorder ...
eating disorder not otherwise specifiedhealthcare costshealthcare utilizationobservational studyThe objective of this study was to compare the one-year healthcare costs and utilization of patients with binge-eating disorder (BED) to patients with eating disorder not otherwise specified without BED (EDNOS...
Binge eatingLoss-of-control eatingOvereatingBinge-eating disorderDiagnosis and classificationICD-11Background Although data suggest that the sense of "loss of control" (LOC) is the most salient aspect of binge eating, the definition of LOC varies widely across eating disorder assessments. The WHO ...