美国National Eating Disorders Association饮食紊乱协会对Binge Eating的定义是: Binge eating disorder (BED) is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food (often very quickly and to the point of discomfort); a feeling of a loss of control during the bing...
Binge eating disorder (BED) was included in the DSM IV as a proposed diagnostic category for further study and as an example for an eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS). BED is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating in the absence of regular compensatory behavior such as...
Binge eating disorder has also been tied to a number of potential health complications. The condition has a strong link to diabetes, with some studies suggesting that BED can lead to the development of Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic abnormalities. (4) ED can also lead to a number of ...
Binge-eating disorder(BED) is characterized by recurrent binge-eating episodes not followed by the regular use of compensatory behaviors. Research indicates a lifetime prevalence of 0.42 percent in men and 1.25 percent in women, with an overall rate of 0.85 percent. Although...
Binge-Eating Disorder Definition Binge eating disorder (BED) is characterized by a loss of control over eating behaviors. The binge eater consumes unnaturally large amounts of food in a short time period, but unlike a bulimic, does not regularly engage in any inappropriate weight-reducing ...
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) has been discussed as a disordered eating behavior since the 1950’s but was not officially recognized as its own diagnosis until the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published its 5th Edition (DSM-5) in 2013. Even so, this is not an indicator...
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) refers to a disorder that involves periods of excessive eating with a feeling of a loss of control. It is similar to binge eating but without the compensatory behaviors and has become increasingly widespread . . .
Binge eating or feeling out of control while consuming a large amount of food in a discrete time period, occurring at a significant frequency, is characteristic of several eating disorders, most notably Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and Binge Eating Disorder (BED). The binge eating is sometimes followed...
Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder M.M. Fichter, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001 1.3 Binge Eating Disorder Binge eating disorder (BED) is defined as being very similar but not identical to nonpurging BN. Main ...