Listen. Don't judge or make it about blame. Try "I" statements. ("I noticed you ate all the cookies last night.") Avoid saying "you." ("You have a problem." "You should stop that.") Show extra support. Don't harp about what to eat or how much. Have family activities that ar...
Just a few staples so I had breakfast in the morning, and maybe dinner at night. Because it felt like everything was a trigger food. I would stand in front of my cupboard eating—get this—dry oats by the handful, jaw working furiously, like a horse. I ate carrots—pounds—like I ...
I feel that frequently I spend much time thinking about how much I ate or about trying not to eat anymore. It seems to me that most of my waking hours are pre-occupied by thoughts about eating or not eating. I feel like I’m constantly struggling not to eat. I don’t think about ...
Keelung Night Market (also called Miaokou Night Market) is one of themost famous night markets in Taiwanand by far the most popular ofKeelung’s attractions. Many visitors, including myself, say it is their favorite night market in the whole country. Even Anthony Bourdain ate here when he ...
This was a very cute story but I have to say that I did have a couple of issues with it. First I found that what Keri was doing was completely not her. She came home and watchedCharmedevery day and ate microwave meals and quilted. I just couldn’t see her – even in her wildest...
Check out Conner and Alek on thePropagandos podcast!! Cody, Conner, Alek, and Ned hang with the Inspectors gang! Check us out/rate us oniTunesandSpotify!! And like us onFacebook! OR find us on IG & Twitter @HISTBpod Audio Player ...
interest of fitting healthy eating into my busy schedule and getting fast results like in their ads. In true “go big or go home” fashion with which I approach almost everything in life, I’d buy months worth of products and inevitably be over it long before I ate even half of my ...
The temperature of the perfusate was maintained at 28–30 1C and was not allowed to fluctuate 41 1C during a given experiment (Automatic Temperature Controller, Warner Instruments, Camden, CT). Medium spiny neurons (MSNs) were identified using differential interference contrast optics. Patch ...
It was about a 10 minute drive from my house. I snapped this photo years later when visiting the area again after I’d moved, once I’d broken free from my sugar addiction, just so that I could have this memory – of being free. And that night I ate dinner there with my family ...
and also being able to have a cookie or a dessert if I’m so inclined. Before Michelle, NONE of that stuff would be able to happen. I was a ball of anxiety, always calculating calories, crunching numbers of how much I ate versus how much I had worked out. Nothing was healthy enough...