{ "playlistType": "live", "discontinuity": false, "segmentBaseTime": 1451904060000, "firstClipTime": 1451917506000, "durations": [83000, 83000], "sequences": [ { "clips": [ { "type": "source", "path": "/path/to/video1.mp4" }, { "type": "source", "path": "/path/to/...
You can call the native APIs provided by the AVDemuxer module to decapsulate audio and video, that is, to extract audio and video frame data from bit stream data. Common Event and Notification Applications can enable or disable static event subscription. System applications can remove sticky ...
id=186114 # 下载歌单 nm http://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=12214308 # 下载该艺术家所有专辑或 Top 50 歌曲 nm http://music.163.com/#/artist?id=6452 # 下载DJ节目 nm http://music.163.com/#/dj?id=675051 # 下载排行榜 nm http://music.163.com/#/discover/toplist?id=11641012 播放:...
The framework capability of the media playlist is supported. The provider provides the playlist content, and the controller obtains the playlist content and selects any media content to play. The framework capability of historical playback records is supported. The AVSession framework provides the lis...
id=186114 # 下载歌单 nm http://music.163.com/#/playlist?id=12214308 # 下载该艺术家所有专辑或 Top 50 歌曲 nm http://music.163.com/#/artist?id=6452 # 下载DJ节目 nm http://music.163.com/#/dj?id=675051 # 下载排行榜 nm http://music.163.com/#/discover/toplist?id=11641012 播放:...