标签:智能翻译Excel全文翻译PDF全文翻译PPT文件全文翻译Word全文翻译双语对照翻译在线文档翻译文档翻译极速翻译网页翻译翻译api视频翻译 链接直达手机查看 用家可以在左边的输入字段输入文字,按下Translate按钮或键盘的输入键后翻译结果会在右边的结果框显示,Bing翻译亦提供译文的朗读,与及评价翻译优劣的功能。在输入字段输入网...
3)推荐学生和白领人群使用这款在线翻译工具。 二、Google Translate 国内版网址:https://translate.google.cn 众所周知Google的各项服务在国内都无法正常使用,谷歌翻译支持APP和网页的界面,目前有国内和国际2种版本,现在只有国内版本才能正常使用,谷歌翻译已经问世12年,它每年翻译约 300 万亿句子,横跨103种语种,非常强大!
String originalText The text to translate. String translatedLanguageName The language that the text was translated to. An ISO 639-1 two-letter language code identifies the language. For example, en for English. String translatedText The translated text. StringWeb...
視頻教程 http://palitranslate.com/bingdict/ 翻譯類型 : 簡體中文<-->英文 cn.bing.com服務器在中國大陸。 其它地區的網速不一定令人滿意。請酌情增加網路超時上線。 不離開當前頁面,輕鬆翻字典。 微軟必應字典 http://cn.bing.com/dict/ *1. 滑鼠選取 字/詞 自動查詢. ...
65 open pdf file 1,270,968 66 maps 1,255,627 67 open bin file 1,245,281 68 espn 1,238,300 69 g 1,236,147 70 paypal 1,192,048 71 home depot 1,176,626 72 on this day in history 1,146,153 73 translate 1,142,674 74 entertainment 1,140,576 75 open doc file 1,125,275 ...
視頻教程 http://palitranslate.com/bingdict/翻譯類型 : 簡體中文<-->英文cn.bing.com服務器在中國大陸。其它地區的網速不一定令人滿意。請酌情增加網路超時上線。不離開當前頁面,輕鬆翻字典。 注:中文翻译来自GOOGLE 不離開當前頁面,輕鬆翻必應字典bingdict視頻教程 http://palitranslate.com/bingdict/翻譯類型 ...
If the query string doesn’t explicitly specify the language to translate the text into (for example, if the query is bon appetit), Bing infers the language from the browser’s language setting.The originalText field contains the word or phrase to translate and translatedText contains the ...
Link your MSDN/TechNet accounts to your Learn Profile for continued recognition of your contributions. Read linking instructions . 提出问题 快速访问 查看3 公告 个论坛 [ 查看全部 ] 已选论坛 清除 Microsoft Translator User Forum (Including Bing Translator) x ...
and how she will know which language to translate it to? she will know it from my voice or give me a list of available languages so I can select one with mouse/touch. do a quick search about a subject and show me on the right sidebar. when we right-click on an image...
In the above code we are calling the Translate method with the AppID we created in Step 5 and also passing the Text from Textbox. We pass an empty string in the ‘to’ parameter so that Bing detects the language automatically. We also set the output language to ‘en’ (English)....