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We're excited to annouce several new features this October at Bing: find multi-perspective answers on ballot initiatives for the upcoming midterm election, check out our image UI refresh, browse NFL game stats and predictions, and test your knowledge with our new word of the day ...
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W has templated constructor, so the constructor has the knowledge of the concrete type T. This information is used to perform operations that need/depend on T, while still in the W constructor. Approaches to capture the type information: Approach 1: Create an internal base class B, and a...
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Another brilliant thing I noticed:Bing’s documentation/knowledge-base/FAQ has no search option!Ironic, isn’t it? 🙂 Toadd insult to injury, when you “Google” the term “BikeGremlin” on Microsoft Bing or DuckDuckGo, SERPs show BikeGremlin social-media accountsandresults from a website ...
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