您的main 方法應包含BingCustomSearchManager物件,該物件會採用您的金鑰並呼叫其authenticate()。 Java BingCustomSearchAPI client = BingCustomSearchManager.authenticate(subscriptionKey); 從自訂搜尋執行個體中取得搜尋結果 使用用戶端的BingCustomInstances.search()函式,將搜尋查詢傳送至您的自訂執行個體。 ...
public static void main(String[] args) { try { // Set the BING_CUSTOM_SEARCH_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY and AZURE_BING_SAMPLES_CUSTOM_CONFIG_ID environment variables, // then reopen your command prompt or IDE. If not, you may get an API key not found exception. final Str...
Custom Search not working Hi there, our custom search is not working currently (you can see it on EmailToolTester.com). The error message says: "Unable to execute your query. Ensure that a valid subscription key has been set up for your instance." The thing is, our… ...
But the subscription key still fits and nothing has been changed. The error message also appears in the preview of the Hosted UI at customsearch.ai. What could be the reason? Many thanks in advance for help!Bing Custom Search Bing Custom Search An easy-to-use, ad-free, commercial...
一个人的力量始终是有限的,我个人也难以回答所有求助者的问题。为此,我想向大家介绍一些当初我学习 ...
"?output=xml&key=".$key; $checkResponse = file_get_contents($checkUrl); $responseBody = new SimpleXMLElement($checkResponse); // Get and print the description and current status of the job $jobDesc = $responseBody->ResourceSets->ResourceSet->Resources->DataflowJob->Description; $jobStatus...
// URL of Bing Maps REST Services Locations API $baseURL = "http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations"; // Create variables for search parameters (encode all spaces by specifying '%20' in the URI) $key = $_POST['key']; $country = "US"; $addressLine = str_ireplace(" ","...
我相信大多数使用Bing Maps开发的朋友都见过如下的画面,就是当我们在开发Bing Maps的时候,将开发KEY填写错误导致用户授权验证失败出现的下图提示错误。 使用Bing Maps Silverlight Control开发的缺点就在于它默认是使用的微软自己提供的在线地图数据,而且Bing Maps Silverlight Control还与开发者...【...
This is a repo for cognitive services REST API samples in 4 languages: C#, Java, Node.js, and Python. - cognitive-services-REST-api-samples/Tutorials/BingNewsSearchApp.html at master · Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-REST-api-samples
if not bing_api_key: raise KeyError('Bing Key Not Found') headers={ 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': bing_api_key, } ''' #指定基本的url和服务 root_url = 'https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v5.0/search/' service = 'Web' ...