使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
If you have already verified your domain on Google Search Console, you can use Bing's importing tool as an alternative and skip verification. In the next screen, type your website URL with xmlsitemap.php appended in the Add a sitemap field, then click Add. For example, http://yourstore....
查看所有搜索 路线 交通 我的地点 更多 undefined 只需保存家庭和工作地址,即可获得更好的路况动态。 赚取积分以后再说 Map style: road. Map shortcuts: Zoom out: hyphen. Zoom in: plus. Pan right 100 pixels: right arrow. Pan left 100 pixels: left arrow. Pan up 100 pixels: up arrow. Pan down...
com.microsoft.azure.cognitiveservices.search.videosearch Maven Artifact: com.microsoft.azure.cognitiveservices:azure-cognitiveservices-videosearch:1.0.2 public static interfaceBingVideos.BingVideosSearchDefinitionStages.WithAllOptions The stage of the definition...
Device Partner Center (DPC) has enabled the use of Bing Search. You can now use this search experience by searching for content via the search bar on the top right-hand side of DPC. Bing Search will conduct a site-wide search across the entire site, including resource pages, as opposed ...
On new news articleOperation ID: TrigNewNews Triggers when a news article matches the given query. Parameters Expandeix la taula NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Search Query q True string The search query string. Market mkt string The market where the results come from. Typically, this is...
Our Site (link removed by moderator)currently not showing in bing search. Though the site crawled regularly and image search showed the result. But regular searches have no result even if we search for "site:quickfever.com" this happened somewhere in November...
A personal Microsoft account can't be used to sign in to Microsoft Search.Single sign-onIf a user is already authenticated with their work or school account in another service, such as Outlook or SharePoint, they are automatically signed into the same work or school account when they go to...
Following these guidelines will help with indexing of your site on Bing. It will also help you optimize your site to increase its opportunity to rank for relevant queries in Bing’s search results. Please pay special attention to the guidance in the “Abuse section” and examples in the “...