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Patient satisfaction and documentation of pain assessments and management after implementing the adult nonverbal pain scale [J]. Am J Crit Care, 2010, 19 (4): 345-354; quiz 355. DOI: 10.4037/ajcc2010247. [46] Voigt L, Paice JA, Pouliot J. Standardized pain flowsheet: impact on patient-...
[ 6] McClave SA, DiBaise JK, Mullin GE, et al. ACG clinical guideline: nutrition therapy in the adult hospitalized patient [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2016, 111 (3): 315-334; quiz 335. DOI: 10.1038/ajg....
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[52] Surawicz CM, Brandt LJ, Binion DG, et al. Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of clostridium difficile infections [J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 2013, 108 (4): 478-498; quiz 499. DOI:...