Quiz Kids R Race for Space, The Raid on Entebbe Rainbow Rainmaker, The Raisin in the Sun, A Ralph Edwards Show, The Ramar of the Jungle Ranch, The Rango Rape of Richard Beck, The Rat Patrol, The Ratched Rawhide Ray Bolger Show, The Reading Rainbow Real Housewives of Orange County, ...
, a parallel internet universe where casual gaming on aol never died. you can play chess or sudoku or an online jigsaw puzzle. you can take a celebrity quiz or a news quiz or a geography quiz. there’s a matching game and a rubik’s cube. you can play something called “put in ...
In the Castilian Spanish dub, instead of imitating Howard Payne's line of "Pop quiz, hotshot", Sonic comments that he does not know what Payne was saying. Tom reads out the letter on his application to the San Francisco Police Department with different salutations instead of "Dear Thomas":...