进行第一次 API 调用 多重身份验证要求 沙盒 概念 概述 广告语言 倒计时自定义工具 货币 编辑原因代码 实体限制 地理位置代码 处理服务错误和异常 操作错误代码 个人资料数据 服务协议 向目标受众显示广告 时区 具有已升级 URL 的 URL 跟踪 Web 服务地址 Guides 客户端库 代码示例 广告见解 API 批量API 市场活动...
Microsoft.BingAds.Anchor.AdInsight.Api.DataContract.V12.Entity 將SOAP 信封編碼的用戶端e.g. PHP為 DateRangeSearchParameter 編碼SoapVar 的用戶端,您必須更新為 Ad Insight 第 13 版目標命名空間,https://bingads.microsoft.com/AdInsight/v13也就是 。 Bing Ads Python SDK 用戶端必須更新 SUDS 用戶端 ...
Microsoft Advertising is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform used to display ads based on the keywords used in a user's search query. For advertisers placing a large number of ads or developers building advertising tools, the Bing Ads API provides programmatic access to Microsoft Advertisi...
The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.18.August 2023See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month....
Microsoft Advertising API Bing Ads API de contenu Publicités d’hôtels Scripts Microsoft Advertising Plateforme Xandr Compte gratuit Portail Certaines parties de cette rubrique sont traduites automatiquement.Rechercher Vue d’ensemble Prise en main Guides Concepts Exemples de code Solution...
To get access and refresh tokens for your Microsoft Advertising user and make your first service call using the Bing Ads API, see the Quick Start guide. You'll want to review the Get Started guide and walkthroughs for your preferred language e.g., C#, Java, Php, and Python. Supporting...
Have a business and got questions about how Bing can help? Then this is the space for you. From us, you'll find Bing API blog announcements, Webmaster information, and Bing Advertising information. Bing From Devs This is a new space. We're currently working with our developers to create ...
D:\xampp\htdocs\bingAds2\vendor\microsoft\bingads\samples\V13>php ProductAds.php You need to provide consent for the application to access your Microsoft Advertising accounts. Copy and paste this authorization endpoint into a web browser...
使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
"Bing Maps REST Services API" means the services that enable the use of REST URLs to perform tasks such as creating a map with pushpins, geocoding an address, retrieving imagery metadata or calculating a route, all as part of Company Applications, as described in greater detail in the SDKs...