使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
Possible values include: 'AnimatedGif', 'Clipart', 'Line', 'Photo', 'Shopping', 'Transparent'. Parameters: imageType Returns: next definition stagewithLicense public abstract BingImages.BingImagesSearchDefinitionStages.WithExecute withLicense(ImageLicen...
8. Flickr个人相册(Flickr Personal Photostreams)
3. Yandex图片搜索(Yandex Image Search) 俄罗斯的Yandex搜索引擎以其强大的技术实力著称。Yandex图片搜索提供了多种筛选选项,如颜色、类型等,方便用户快速找到想要的图片。此外,Yandex图片搜索还有一些独特的功能,如“查找同类图片”,可以帮助用户发掘更多的图片资源。 4. TinEye反向图片搜索(Tineye Reverse Image Search...
params = {"q": search_term,"license":"public","imageType":"photo"} 使用requests程式庫呼叫 Bing 影像搜尋 API。 將您的標頭和參數新增至要求,並傳回 JSON 物件形式的回應。 從回應的thumbnailUrl欄位取得數個縮圖影像的 URL。 Python複製 response = requests.get(search_url, headers=headers, params=...
https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=interesting&qft=%20filterui%3Aphoto-animatedgif 查詢參數如需查詢參數和選項的詳細資訊,請參閱影像搜尋 API 參考。 範例位在使用Java 搜尋動畫 GIF 的範例標題底下。祕訣與建議您可以指定 maxFileSize 和minFileSize 參數。 建議您設定 maxFileSize=2000000,因為...
Bing added a feature Thursday that lets people search through photos friends posted on Facebook. "With more than 300 million photos uploaded to Facebook per day, photo viewing is one of the most popular things people do on Facebook," Bing social team senior program manager Ian Lin said in...
Photo 〞 Return only photographs (excluding line drawings, animated gifs, and clip art). Shopping 〞 Return only images that contain items where Bing knows of a merchant that is selling the items. This option is valid in the en-US market only. ...
Search by uploading images instead of entering text using Visual Search in Bing. Learn how to search an image with AI-powered technology.