使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
2/14/2023(1) 6 New Microsoft Bing Features That Will Make You Ditch Google.https://fossbytes....
文章原文:https://www.winisle.com/post/new-bing-supports-a-set-of-new-features-including-chat-history/今天,微软正式宣布 New Bing 向所有用户开放。除此之外,New Bing 还增加了一大波新特性,具体: New …
newbing是微软推出的一款全新的搜索引擎,它不仅可以提供快速准确的网页搜索,还可以与用户进行智能对话,提供多种创意内容和服务。本文将介绍一些使用newbing的技巧,帮助你更好地利用这款搜索神器。 1. 切换聊天模式 newbing有三种聊天模式:平衡模式、创意模式和精确模式。你可以通过点击聊天框右上角的按钮来切换不同的...
Hey Insiders! Have you seen this article: Make the Most of Your Time Online? At the end of January Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Bing launched quite a few new...
ChatGPT和New Bing最主要的区别有:(1)New Bing是处于联网状态的,可以获取实时数据;而ChatGPT所使用...
Bing's new features aim to provide appealing, aggregated information designed to deliver results quickly. From the Wordtracker blog.
“We’re evolving search in a way that recognizes new user paradigms like the growth of the social graph, and will empower people with the broad knowledge of the Web alongside the help of their friends.” The new Bing updates were developed in response to user research showing that people...
Bing has a new visual input feature, and it's amazing. The AI can recognize any images that you upload, and it will give you its input.
The new Bing may provide AI-powered answers directly on the search results page. If you don't see the AI-generated answer you're expecting, select the Copilot icon to see the Copilot response. tell-bing-how-to-frame-its-answer