本专栏所有数据来源于Statcounter(一家统计各浏览器、软件以及APP等的市场份额数据的公司),推荐在桌面端浏览。你常用的搜索引擎是什么? 来源:https://gs.statcounter.com/search-engine-market-share/desktop/china#monthly-202204-202304根据Statcounter的统计数据。2
Since its launch in July of 2009, Bing has faced an uphill battle against Google for a share of the search engine market. Google's global slice of this lucrative landscape has remained fairly consistent during the past several years ataround 90%. For Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and a few ot...
RELATED:Despite its big OpenAI push, Microsoft's Bing search market share decreases year-over-year A graph showcasing widely popular search engines and their global search market share.(Image credit: Statcounter) As spotted byBloomberg, Bing closed off 2023 with just 3.4% o...
Premium StatisticGlobal market share held by computer operating systems 2012-2024, by month Premium StatisticMost funded Kickstarter projects 2024 Statista report shop Explore all Statista reports We provide information on industries, companies, consumers, trends, countries, and politics, covering the late...
2023谷歌搜索仍占九成搜索量 | StatCounter:截至 2023 年,Bing 在全球搜索市场份额为 3.4%,仅比 ChatGPT 增长不到 1 个百分点;谷歌占 91.6%,Yandex 占 1.6%,雅虎占 1%…… 挺意外的,还以为Bing会增长一些,但Google仍然为霸主,ChatGPT 的重启至少帮助扭转了Bing的下滑趋势。
微软公司副总裁兼消费者首席营销官优素福·迈赫迪 (Yusuf Mehdi) 向《华尔街日报》表示,该公司的内部数据显示 Bing 正在从谷歌手中夺取市场份额,但未提供任何数据。 文章翻译自:martech;原文链接:https://martech.org/ai-boost-bings-market-share-is-down-6-months-after-launch/...
Statcounter的数据表明,二月份是2.81%,四月份是2.79%,数据链接:Search Engine Market Share World...
March 2023: Bing reached 100 million active daily users for the first time Overview of Bing's Current Market Position Despite several advancements since its 2009 release, Bing has struggled to significantly challenge Google’s overwhelmingglobal search engine market share, which has only once fallen ...
使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
8、受众:再营销/动态再营销,In-market(有购买意向的受众),相似受众,自定义受众; 9、时区:建议跟流量分析平台同一个时区。在设置账户时区的时候,如果GA设置的时区是东8区,建议微软广告后台设置账户的时区也是东8区,在将前后台数据拉通去分析投放效果的时候,时间维度会比较统一,便于分析数据。 ▍关键词类型 品牌词...