Click theCreatebutton. The new key displays in the list of available keys. Use this key to authenticate your Bing Maps application as described in the documentation for the Bing Maps API you are using. Upgrading Your Account If you want to upgrade your account to be an enterprise account, ...
云 API 是腾讯云开放生态的基石。通过云 API,只需少量的代码即可快速操作云产品;在熟练的情况下,使用...{imagerySet}?key={BingMapsKey} Get the metadata for an imagery set at a specific location. urlCopy{imagerySet}/{centerPoint}?orientation={orientation}&zoomLevel={zoomLevel}&include=...
Choose Your API For a breakdown of the API by feature and platform, seeChoose Your APIon the Bing Maps Platform website. Bing Maps Keys All APIs require a Bing Maps Key. For information about the different types of keys, seeCreate a Bing Maps Key. ...
2. BingMapsImageryProvider 用于加载Bing Maps提供的影像数据;支持多种分辨率、样式和地区;需要提供有效的Bing Maps API key才能使用。 Bing Maps API key可以去Bing Maps官网申请,官网地址: 加载BingMap地图服务 加载BingMap使用静态方法BingMapsImageryProvider.fromUrl实现 ...
2. BingMapsImageryProvider 用于加载Bing Maps提供的影像数据;支持多种分辨率、样式和地区;需要提供有效的Bing Maps API key才能使用。 Bing Maps API key可以去Bing Maps官网申请,官网地址: 加载BingMap地图服务 加载BingMap使用静态方法BingMapsImageryProvider.fromUrl实现 ...
Bing 地圖服務取得影像中繼資料API 要求: HTTP,-122.467217?zl=15&key={YourBingMapsKey} Azure 地圖服務取得地圖底圖API 要求: HTTP
NameTypeDescriptionRequired API Key securestring API Key TrueThrottling Limits展開表格 NameCallsRenewal Period API calls per connection 1200 60 secondsActions展開表格 Get location by address Get the location information associated with an address. If no location is found, an empty result will be ...
Use SerpApi's Bing Maps API to scrape Bing Maps results. title, address, phone, website, open state, and more.