路线 交通 我的地点 更多 undefined 只需保存家庭和工作地址,即可获得更好的路况动态。 赚取积分以后再说 Map style: road. Map shortcuts: Zoom out: hyphen. Zoom in: plus. Pan right 100 pixels: right arrow. Pan left 100 pixels: left arrow. Pan up 100 pixels: up arrow. Pan down 100 pixels:...
Bing Maps key. This is quite often an overlooked feature. When getting the credentials from the map you do not get back your original Bing Maps key. Instead, you get a special session key which you can use as a Bing Maps key to make requests of the Bing Maps services. By doing this...
Bing Maps Terms of Use For information on Bing Maps usage rights, seeMicrosoft® Bing™ Map Platform APIs Terms of Use. Usage Transactions When you use the Bing Maps APIs with a valid Bing Maps Key, usage transactions are logged.
Get static map [DEPRECATED]Operation ID: GetMap This action has been deprecated. Please use Get static map instead. Get static map. Parameters 展開表格 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Point latitude latitude True string The latitude coordinate you want to reverse geocode. Example: 47.64054 Point ...
註冊一個 Bing Maps 帳號並得到私密金鑰。 學習Windows Phone 中的 Bing Silverlight map 控制項。 向頁面添加一個 map 控制項。 將Bing Maps 私密金鑰附加到 map 控制項。 在航測圖模式和路線圖模式之間切換。 置中並縮放地圖到一個地理位置。你將使用 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone...
要在Bing Maps中集成OpenStreetMap数据,我们通常需要使用一些技术手段,如叠加图层、API调用或数据转换。 1. 叠加图层 一种简单的方式是直接在Bing Maps上叠加OpenStreetMap的图层。这通常涉及到在Bing Maps API中使用自定义图层(Custom Overlay)的功能,将OpenStreetMap的地图瓦片(Tiles)作为图片叠加到Bing Maps上。这...
All use of the Microsoft Bing Maps location data is subject to Microsoft Bing Maps and MapPoint Web Service End User Terms of Use and Embedded Maps Service Terms of Use and the Microsoft Privacy Statement which are now incorporated into our LinkedIn Marketing API Program Terms. By accessing ...
Azure Maps Support Stuck in a rut? It’s easy to get started and find help with development with Azure Maps APIs. Explore quickstarts, how-to-guides, tutorials, and API reference documentation. Frequently asked questions | Azure Maps
and MapPoint Web Service End User Terms of Use and Embedded Maps Service Terms of Useand theMicrosoft Privacy Statementwhich are now incorporated into ourLinkedIn Marketing API Program Terms. By accessing any Microsoft Bing Maps location data, you are agreeing to be bound by thes...