public boolean draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow, long when) { super.draw(canvas, mapView, shadow); Paint paint = new Paint(); Point myScreenCoords = new Point(); // 将经纬度转换成实际屏幕坐标 mapView.getProjection().toPixels(mGeoPoint, myScreenCoords); paint.setStro...
getPageY() number Returns the y coordinate of the top left corner of the map control, relative to the page. getPitch() number Returns the pitch of the current streetside map view. getRootElement() HTMLElement Returns the map’s root node. getUserRegion() string Returns the users region ...
a location query for "Paris" returns "Paris, France" and "Paris, TX" both withHighconfidence. "Paris, France" is always ranked first due to importance unless a user location indicates that the user is in or very close to Paris, TX or the map view indicates that the user is searching ...
如何申请bing api key, bing map key 申请 1:开启网址 注册帐号并登入(点选上图中的登入按钮即可),在新视窗点选下方的“立即注册”(有帐号的可以直接登入) 2:填写相关资讯(推荐使用hotmail邮箱),填写完毕后点击下方的 即可PS:国家或地区请勿选择‘中国’,否则会出现‘在你的市场中未提供’,如果已经注册了请在...
Hello,I would like to talk about maps in bing...Two main things:-maps must have a recent update! they don't show the current world, for example, in France,...
Aerial photographs are overlaid with labels, showing street names, landmarks, and other features, even including directional arrows for one-way streets plus permalinks saves a screenshot of everything open in Virtual Earth, including the map view location and search results. ...
https://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/LocalSearch/?query={query}&userCircularMapView={lat,lon,radius}&key={BingMapsKey} Search by Entity TypeSearch for businesses by specifying a comma-separated list of type string IDs at a given location using the type parameter. The userMapView and userCi...
Note:In some locations, streetside view is not supported. To change the zoom level for the map, click+or-in the top left corner of the map. In the toolbox on the right, choose whether or not you want to display a pin label on your map. IfYes, type the text you want to appear...