Britannica Quiz Hollywood Films in the 1930s Quiz Hollywood had become the center of the American film industry by 1915 as more independent filmmakers relocated there from the East Coast. For more than three decades, from early silent films through the advent of “talkies,” figures such asD.W...
Furthermore, a comprehensive literature search of domestic and international literature was conducted, and discussions and modifications were organized among emergency and critical care medicine experts. Ultimately, the Expert management consensus for the application of point-of-care testing in emergency and...
一项多中心随机对照双盲试验证明,接受 低聚果糖干预的 ICU 患者菌群,SCFAs 和粪便排出量无显著 变化,但低聚果糖对普拉菌的降低有潜在影响[42].2001 年 发表的一项研究表明,可溶性纤维干预组的腹泻评分,腹泻 时间较对照组显著降低,但对脓毒症相关病死率和 ICU 住院 时间没有影响[43].因此,2016 年美国肠外和...