First, you punish the user for wrong answers. No other quiz you have punishes the user. Second, they are long and arduous. The us...","body@stringLength":"825","rawBody":" The This or That quizzes are horrendous for several reasons. ...
Bing is a great search engine that offers great features such as AI chatbot and quizzes, but it can be annoying whenever you search for something on your local computer, and Bing pops up. We hope that with the instructions above you were able to find the answers to the Bing quiz today...
This or That Quizzes are AWFUL! The This or That quizzes are horrendous for several reasons. First, you punish the user for wrong answers. No other quiz you have punishes the user. Second, they are long and arduous. The us...Show More Like 2 Reply View Full Discussion (55 Replies)...