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Previously, it was a graduation cap icon, but now it has been replaced by a newQicon to access the homepage quiz. Remember that the Q icon is not always visible and is hidden by default. This may be why many users think the Bing quiz is not working. Go to theBing homepage. Look fo...
The This or That quizzes are horrendous for several reasons. First, you punish the user for wrong answers. No other quiz you have punishes the user. Second, they are long and arduous. The us...Show More Like 2 Reply View Full Discussion (55 Replies)Show Parent Replies Alyxe Microsoft ...
"Write a quiz about pop music trivia that I can play with my friends and has 5 questions." "How do I pick the best dog breed for me? Is it better to adopt or buy?" "I like electronic music and want to go to my first festival this year. Do you have any recommendations or tips...
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The above are examples of our analytics providers and this is not an exhaustive list. We are not responsible for the effectiveness of any other providers’ opt-out mechanisms. Flash Local Storage:These cookies are also known as local shared objects ...
On Tuesday, Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear reported 1,018 new cases -- the state's second highest single-day increase since March 6. “It ought to be a wake-up call,” Beshear said. “What that means is we are on pace to have even more cases than last week wher...