Cites a study which reveals certain regions in France have low incidence of atherosclerosis and heart disease despite a high intake of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. French paradox; Link to wine consumption at moderate levels;...
疾病: 皮肤病 医院科室: 不限 开通的服务: 不限 医生职称: 不限 出诊时间: 不限 陈文才副主任医师 临海市第一人民医院 整形美容科 微整形除皱 30票痣26票整形20票激光美容 16票 擅长:擅长个性化定制及面部年轻化、抽脂塑形等整形美容手术。在高位SMAS除皱术(大拉皮)、内窥镜辅助骨膜下除皱术、微创筋膜提升...
It roughly corresponds to the ratio of the total thickness of porous system to that of the thin highly permeable sublayer where local convection generates.doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2021.122110E.A. KolchanovaN.V. KolchanovElsevier BVInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer...