Bing is a very popular search enginethat can be used to find information on just about anything. Bing has been around since 2000 and was originally known as MSN Search before Microsoft bought them out in 2009. Bing has a fun interactive quiz on the homepage that allows searchers towin Micros...
Previously, it was a graduation cap icon, but now it has been replaced by a newQicon to access the homepage quiz. Remember that the Q icon is not always visible and is hidden by default. This may be why many users think the Bing quiz is not working. Go to theBing homepage. Look fo...
Accept to continue or {url} it directly on the provider's site.","buttonTitle":"Accept","urlText":"watch"},"localOverride":false},"CachedAsset:text:en_US-components/messages/MessageCustomFields-1737128950110":{"__typename":"CachedAsset","id":"text:...
Microsoft says that since it introduced the quiz on the Bing home page it has seen a 65% increase in users engaging with the cap icon compared to the home page's normal hotspots: We'll continue to update the design of the homepage quiz as we get feedback, but we're excited about the...
5 bing homepage quiz 5,578,736 6 amazon 4,838,409 7 bing 4,620,531 8 news for you 4,298,308 9 yahoo 3,746,439 10 ebay 3,428,642 11 top stories 3,403,727 12 facebook log in 3,201,621 13 weekly quiz 3,110,115 14 yahoo mail 2,720,281 15 walmart 1,988,367 16 us new...
, "quiz": "/search?q=Bing+homepage+quiz&filters=WQOskey:%22HPQuiz_20240526_SestriLevante%22&FORM=HPQUIZ", "wp": true, "hsh": "fe54aa78c01caf275decb29977f538e7", "drk": 1, "top": 1, "bot": 1, "hs": [] } ], "tooltips": { "loading": "正在加载...", "previous": ...
If I keep refreshing the same search over and over, the search will eventually succeed, probably reaching out to a different server/IP or bypassing a cache, but Bing rewards, i.e. quizzes, are still broken, and upon clearing cached browsing data the issue returns. ...
Head to Press F12 for Dev Tools or head to the ... menu > More tools > Developer Tools. Ensure you are on the Network tab on the top. Under the top row, there should be a red circle on the left side of the panel, this means that things are recording. ...
06-10 | This week's Tech Comm engagement survey is now availablehere. Every Monday, I will post a short survey of 2-4 questions regarding activity, posts, and participant Q&A on the Search Blog and this forum. Answer all the questions correctly and we'll put y...
Hi everyone, I love this new flyout that has a sliding thing that shows your give with bing and tips as well!! I noticed this while switching my region from CA to US since I wanted to see if ... "Also the quest to do these quests before this time to get bonus points isn't' ...