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#!/bin/sh WP_FILE=$HOME/.config/wallpaper.jpg bing="www.bing.com" # $xmlURL is needed to get the xml data from which # the relative URL for the Bing pic of the day is extracted # # The mkt parameter determines which Bing market you would like to # obtain your images from. # ...
When holographic mobsters take over Vic Fontaine's lounge, Bashir, O'Brien, and Vic's other friends plot to run Vic's rival out of business and restore the program to normal. While in Vic Fontaine's holosuite club, Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir try to
And this is all for simply using Bing during the course of your day. And if you want evenmorepoints, you can visit Bing.com or click the Microsoft Rewards “medallion” icon for quick quizzes and suggested searches. It all adds up quickly. ...
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You made three trivia quizzes, and we loved them so much that we had to promote them to the front page of BuzzFeed! There's no doubt that during the next trivia night, we call dibs on being your partner. Not yet earned In The Stars ...