9. to perform on a test: People test better in a relaxed environment. 10. to conduct a test: to test for diabetes. [1350–1400; Middle English: cupel < Middle French < Latin testū, testum earthen pot; akin to test2] test2 (tɛst) n. the hard, protective shell or covering ...
Evening with Friends of the Environment, An Evening with Sammy Davis, Jr. & Jerry Lewis, An Everglades! Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Loves Raymond Everybody's Talking Everyday Execution of Private Slovik, The Executioner's Song, The Executive Suite Exploring Extreme Makeover Eye Guess Eye ...
“Sense of smelling is one of our most powerful senses,” says Madzharov. “Employers, architects, building developers, retail space managers and others, can use scents to help___employees’ or occupants’ experience with their environment. It’s an area of great interest and___.” 1. A....
The function of an air conditioning system is to provide and maintain an artificial environment within a building enclosure. 空气调节系统的作用是建立和维持建筑物内的人工气候。 5. The next day, there was a story in the newspaper. a motorcycle had crashed into a building because its brakes were...
This means you can build these projects on websites like CodePen and Replit - or even on your local computer's development environment.Once you've earned a certification, you will always have it. You will always be able to link to it from your LinkedIn or resume. And when your ...
推荐意见 9 :ICU 患者非神经性疼痛,建议首选阿片类 药物作为镇痛药物(弱推荐,低级证据质量). 阿片类药物为强效中枢镇痛剂之一,具有镇痛效果强, 起效快,可调性强,价格低廉等优点,是 ICU 患者疼痛管理 中的基本药物[33,55-56,58-60].但不同阿片类药物作用的阿片 类受体及药理特点不同,应根据患者具体情况选择...
gitbook-plantuml Gitbook PlantUml plugin is used to select from markdown uml and converting it into a picture format svg Debugging You can use the environment variable DEBUG=true to get better error messages (with stack trace). For example: $ export DEBUG=true $ gitbook build ./ About...
推荐意见 9 :ICU 患者非神经性疼痛,建议首选阿片类 药物作为镇痛药物(弱推荐,低级证据质量). 阿片类药物为强效中枢镇痛剂之一,具有镇痛效果强, 起效快,可调性强,价格低廉等优点,是 ICU 患者疼痛管理 中的基本药物[33,55-56,58-60].但不同阿片类药物作用的阿片 类受体及药理特点不同,应根据患者具体情况选择...