Microsoft has increased the limits on Bing Chat once again. The chatbot now supports eight chats per session and a total of 120 chats per day. Previously the limit was six chats per session and 60 per day, andeven that was an increase. Bing Chat only launched in preview last ...
The first limit was five chats per session and 50 per day. The limit has since increased steadily. Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft corporate vice president of modern Life, search, and devices, shared the following on Twitter. "Two updates: Bing Chat limits moving to 15 /150. Testing an ...
We intend to bring back longer chats and are working hard as we speak on the best way to do this responsibly. The first step we are taking is we have increased the chat turns per session to 6 and expanded to 60 total chats per day. Our data shows that for the vast majority of you...
A section of users has reported that even though they have not used up all 15 tries per session when using the Bing AI, they get thesorry you’ve reached your daily limit to chat bingmessage. Some of the main causes include: Exhausted quota per session– You may have reached the daily ...
Bing AI Chat can help you plan your trip. You can tell things like you want the place to be affordable, easy to walk around, and have good public transportation. Then, you can also ask for a day-by-day plan, which will show you all the details with directions and help you make a...
Bing with ChatGPT will be placing a limit on users of 5 'turns' per session and 50 'turns' per day
微軟再次提高了 Bing Chat 的會話限制。 從 15 歲開始,可以訪問新 Bing 的用戶現在最多可以達到 20 歲。 Microsoft Bing 的增長和分發團隊副總裁 Michael Schechter,確認並表示該公司在周末進行了一項測試,將 Bing 的每日聊天限制提高到 200。 然而,一些用戶report在提高聊天限制的同時注意到聊天機器人的變化。 據...
The brand has been making frequent tweaks to Bing Chat. Most recently, it increased the daily turn limit from 60 turns a day to 100 turns in amajor updatethat rolled out on February 24. When Bing Chat was still in its public preview earlier in February, it supported 50 daily turns, w...
Microsoft says it plans to increase the daily limit to 100 chat sessions per day, "soon," but it does not mention whether it will increase the number of turns per session. The blog post also mentions an additional future option that will let users choose the tone of the chat from "Preci...
Microsoft Introduces Bing’s ChatGPT to iOS, Android, and Skype, Alongside New Voice Functionality Feb 23, 2023 Microsoft Meet Microsoft’s New AI Model – Prometheus Feb 22, 2023 Microsoft Microsoft Increases Bing’s ChatGPT Limit From 50 Messages Per Day to 60 ...