安装浏览器扩展「Bing Chat for All Browsers」 可访问以下地址下载安装: https://www.crxsoso.com/webstore/detail/jofbglonpbndadajbafmmaklbfbkggpo 重启浏览器,访问www.bing.com
Bing Chat for All Browsers is a freeProductivityExtension for Chrome. You could download thelatest version crx fileorold version crx filesand install it. Source: https://github.com/anaclumos/bing-chat-for-all-browsers === NOTE ===
来源:https://github.com/anaclumos/bing-chat-for-all-browsers ===注意=== 您需要一个有权访问新 Bing Chat 的 Microsoft 帐户才能使用此扩展。此扩展不能让您插队访问新的 Bing Chat!如果您无法访问新的 Bing Chat,您可以在 bing.com/chat 上加入候补名单。
在Google Chrome 上使用 Bing AI 的另一种方法是通过Bing Chat for All Browsers扩展。使用此Chrome 扩展程序,您不必在每次要使用 Bing AI 时都打开 DevTools 面板。 您只需单击扩展程序的图标即可在新选项卡中打开 Bing。该扩展程序会自动将该选项卡上的用户代理切换到 Microsoft Edge,从而允许您在 Chrome 上使用...
清除浏览器中bing.com的cookies 解决方案如下: 退出Bing Rewards计划:https://rewards.bing.com/optout,请注意退出计划会清除积分 重新加入Bing Rewards计划:https://rewards.bing.com 再次申请加入新版必应(https://www.bing.com/new),即可正常加入候补列表 ...
Meanwhile, even as Microsoft is bringing Bing Chat to third-partyweb browsers, it is reserving the best chatbot experience for Edge users. According to the company, Edge users would be able to take advantage of a multitude of features unavailable on other browsers, such as longer conversations ...
Enable Bing ChatGPT on Chrome and Firefox. Contribute to anaclumos/bing-chat-for-all-browsers development by creating an account on GitHub.
The ‘new’ Bing search engine and Edge web browser from Microsoft are underpinned by the most advanced language model from OpenAI ever, which is more potent than ChatGPT. The news was released a day after Google unveiled Bard, a self-described “experim
Don’t forget to explicitly name the expression, regardless of whether or not the name is inferred from the containing variable (which is often the case in modern browsers or when using compilers such as Babel). This eliminates any assumptions made about the Error’s call stack. (Discussion)...