见智点评:Reddit是一家知名的在线论坛公司,同时给企业提供API用于访问数据,第三方公司可以创建与Reddit相关的应用程序。 即便是收到了众多第三方用户的反对,但Reddit预计仍旧坚持推行收费支付,因为目前Reddit还没有盈利,随着API调用量的激增,训练语料成本大幅上升,Reddit也需要有一定的收入来继续运营数据从而提供商业服务。
我相信业内人都认可,Google 无论在 AI 实力还是预训练语言大模型上的研究始终站在浪潮之巅,更不用说还有收购了在强化学习上技术根基深厚的 Deepmind,仅从LaMDA对比WebGPT来看,谷歌技术路线似乎仍不能跳出这层桎梏,无论如何大规模投入AI,搜索及其相关技术仍必须主导知识获取场景,而不是 All in AI Model,而 Open ...
同样,ChatGPT/GPT-4是最好的,能够解析文本中的各种细微差别,并对所描述的内容做出类似人类的推断,而Bard则做出了非常笼统和不具体的评论(尽管常常也能识别源文本,这是一个不错的奖励)。显然,如果你想进行语言推理,ChatGPT是一个优越的系统。 — James Vincent 一些基本的数学知识 Bard数学计算能力测试 Bing数学计...
Some programming notes before we begin, though. First: we were using OpenAI’s latest model, GPT-4, on ChatGPT. This is also the AI model that powers Bing, but the two systems give quite different answers. Most notably, Bing has other abilities: it cangenerate imagesand can access the ...
Chatbot Arena includes LLMs from Open AI (GPT-4), Google (PaLM), Meta (LLaMA), and Anthropic's Claude, as well as other models built using these companies' APIs. SEE ALSO: ChatGPT, Google Bard produce free Windows 11 keys When you enter a prompt in the Chatbot Arena, two anonymous...
Natural language chatbots likeChatGPTandMicrosoft Copilothave become the latest focal point of the tech industry. You’ve probably already heard about how these forms of AI can write essays, poems, and even computer code. Beyond that, these tools can also simplify complex topics and summarize ...
You can barely blink in 2023 without a conversational AI worming its way into one of your favorite products. Well, "favorite" might be pushing it, but as previously rumored, Bing now hasChatGPTintegration. There's a waitlist to access the new features, but you can get closer to the...
是时候卸载 Edge,回去用 Firefox 和 ChatGPT 了。微软已经完全把必应阉割了! 真可悲啊,凭什么微软的错误要让 Bing 来承担。微软作为 AI 的既得利益者,连这都解决不好,太让我失望了。这就像是一个蹒跚学步的孩子第一次尝试走路,摔倒了就直接切断腿,得到了残酷和不寻常的惩罚。
Bing's got a new chat mode powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT. This is how to use this tool to get the most of your web surfing.
我个人的猜测是微软不会搞自营 ChatGPT 的直接 ToC 的变体产品,而是披一张皮,做成ToB的产品:即和...