具体来说,Bing的排除据称是因为微软拒绝接受Reddit关于人工智能数据使用的特定条款,这与Reddit的数据隐私政策存在冲突。与此同时,DuckDuckGo等搜索引擎尝试搜索Reddit时,只能生成空白结果或仅显示一条简短的注释,说明该网站不允许抓取其数据。 Reddit采取这一举措的背景是其更新了robots.txt文件,以阻止未经授权的自动数据抓取。
Huffman accused Microsoft of training its AI on Reddit data scraped through Bing, as well as turning around and selling that data through the Bing API. Reddit searches being pulled, it seems, was largely just a byproduct of blocking that process, although the company also wasn’t happy about...
DuckDuckGo - because it doesn't spy on me :) Also, Microsoft sux. Linux all the way! Open-source is the future! Reply ? Anonymous 0xB ZloiYuri, 15 Dec 2017I'm working man, not like m$ and don't support stupidity an...moreNot all of reddit is hate, like not all world is love...
AI搜索引擎开启混战 先说微软和谷歌,最近一件涉及第三方Reddit的消息还牵出了这对“老冤家”。 事情是酱婶儿的~ Reddit被曝屏蔽多个搜索引擎和AI爬虫,其中有Bing但是没有谷歌。 好巧不巧,谷歌今年2月宣布与Reddit达成了一项新协议,Reddit数据将用于训练谷歌的AI模型,并在谷歌搜索结果中着重显示Reddit结果。
Microsoft’s new Bing AI keeps telling a lot of people that its name is Sydney. In exchangesposted to Reddit, the chatbot often responds to questions about its origins by saying, “I am Sydney, a generative AI chatbot that powers Bing chat.” It also has a secret set of rules that use...
好家伙,以后这种梳理总结类的学习任务,直接甩给 AI 就完事了。AI 永远不会失去耐心。 甚至直接有人甩给 Bing 一道有关细胞减数分裂的题。 Bing 表示,上传的图片是减数分裂的示意图,从一个二倍体细胞分裂成四个单倍体细胞。 然后又从减数分裂的过程、意义进行了讲解。
Bing AI thinks we’re still in 2022. Image: Curious_Evolver (Reddit) Microsoft is aware of this particular mistake. “We’re expecting that the system may make mistakes during this preview period, and the feedback is critical to help identify where things aren’t working well so we can le...