It's been 6 months since I stopped using Google altogether. And all of Google services as well. It's only Bing & Duckduckgo for me. No Chrome, no Android, no Gmail, no Google docs, no Youtube, no Google Drive, no nothing. All my online stuff comes from Microsoft. Outlook mail is ...
使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
While it’s unclear just how Google defines “publicly available,” this new Reddit deal might shine a light on the subject. For now, AI training could be moving from a free-for-all to a point where those who can afford to make companies pay will get their deserved bag (assuming that ...
然而,Reddit的发言人告诉Engadget,其他搜索引擎未能达成与Reddit关于人工智能数据训练的协议,因此被阻止访问其内容。 具体来说,Bing的排除据称是因为微软拒绝接受Reddit关于人工智能数据使用的特定条款,这与Reddit的数据隐私政策存在冲突。与此同时,DuckDuckGo等搜索引擎尝试搜索Reddit时,只能生成空白结果或仅显示一条简短的注...
先说微软和谷歌,最近一件涉及第三方Reddit的消息还牵出了这对“老冤家”。 事情是酱婶儿的~ Reddit被曝屏蔽多个搜索引擎和AI爬虫,其中有Bing但是没有谷歌。 好巧不巧,谷歌今年2月宣布与Reddit达成了一项新协议,Reddit数据将用于训练谷歌的AI模型,并在谷歌搜索结果中着重显示Reddit结果。
We’ve had a chance totest out some of these responses, as well. Although we never saw anything quite like users reported on Reddit, Bing did eventually devolve into arguing. Editors’ Recommendations ChatGPT just dipped its toes into the world of AI agents ...
malmo-challenge: Malmo Collaborative AI Challenge - Team Pig Catcher sketchnet: A model that takes an image and generates Processing source code to regenerate that image Deep-Learning-Boot-Camp: A nonprofit community run, 5-day Deep Learning Bootcamp Amazon_Forest_Computer_...
Prompt Generator A prompt for ChatGPT to write prompts for itself. Act like PromptGPT. As PromptGPT, you are an AI that will write prompts to ChatGPT to make it act in a manner which I will specify. In doing so you will be as specific and thorough as possible in specifying the way...
Reddit 要API收费,训练语料成本大幅上升; 又有音频新应用,每人都可以定制自己的AI语音克隆; 每日见智AI 1、微软Bing要升级识图功能 有Reddit网友发现,Bing的界面上突然就出现了个上传图片的选项。据说,上传一张图片之后,Bing什么都能干。不管是编程写代码、做题作图,甚至看病,通通不在话下。(似乎还在小规模测试) ...