It's been 6 months since I stopped using Google altogether. And all of Google services as well. It's only Bing & Duckduckgo for me. No Chrome, no Android, no Gmail, no Google docs, no Youtube, no Google Drive, no nothing. All my online stuff comes from Microsoft. Outlook mail is ...
While it’s unclear just how Google defines “publicly available,” this new Reddit deal might shine a light on the subject. For now, AI training could be moving from a free-for-all to a point where those who can afford to make companies pay will get their deserved bag (assuming that ...
Microsoft’s struggles with PR16 echo similar challenges faced by other tech giants in deploying advanced AI models. For instance, earlier in 2024, Google had to suspend its Gemini chatbot’s image-generation features after the tool produced racially offensive and historically inaccurate ...
At the moment, you can only access Bing Chat on other browsers with an extension. Bing AI isn’t like ChatGPT currently, which you can access from anywhere. However, Microsoft is pushing toward this advancement. Below will be a quick overview of Bing AI chat and the requirements to use B...
Since launching Bing Image Creator, over one billion AI images have been created using the tool. People have leveraged the technology for illustrations, social media content, wallpapers, and more. The integration of DALL-E 3 aims to boost its utility further. However, the improved realism of th...
Bing AI thinks we’re still in 2022. Image: Curious_Evolver (Reddit) Microsoft is aware of this particular mistake. “We’re expecting that the system may make mistakes during this preview period, and the feedback is critical to help identify where things aren’t working well so we can le...
先说微软和谷歌,最近一件涉及第三方Reddit的消息还牵出了这对“老冤家”。 事情是酱婶儿的~ Reddit被曝屏蔽多个搜索引擎和AI爬虫,其中有Bing但是没有谷歌。 好巧不巧,谷歌今年2月宣布与Reddit达成了一项新协议,Reddit数据将用于训练谷歌的AI模型,并在谷歌搜索结果中着重显示Reddit结果。
Some programming notes before we begin, though. First: we were using OpenAI’s latest model, GPT-4, on ChatGPT. This is also the AI model that powers Bing, but the two systems give quite different answers. Most notably, Bing has other abilities: it cangenerate imagesand can access the ...
We’ve had a chance totest out some of these responses, as well. Although we never saw anything quite like users reported on Reddit, Bing did eventually devolve into arguing. Editors’ Recommendations ChatGPT just dipped its toes into the world of AI agents ...