使用Microsoft 必应进行搜索,并利用 AI 的强大功能查找信息、浏览网页、图像、视频、地图等。为永远充满好奇心的人提供的智能搜索引擎。
DuckDuckGo - because it doesn't spy on me :) Also, Microsoft sux. Linux all the way! Open-source is the future! Reply ? Anonymous 0xB ZloiYuri, 15 Dec 2017I'm working man, not like m$ and don't support stupidity an...moreNot all of reddit is hate, like not all world is love...
快科技3月19日消息,近日有Windows用户在Reddit论坛上反馈,当在使用Chrome浏览器时,系统会出现一个新的弹出式窗口,用于推广微软的Bing搜索引擎及Bing AI。 在弹窗中,微软重点宣传了Bing的AI功能并称,使用Chrome免费畅聊GPT-4!每日与BingAI进行数百次对话等。 弹窗同时提供了接受和拒绝的选项,若用户选择接受,则不仅表...
Reddit的决定意味着除了谷歌之外的主要搜索引擎,如Brave和Bing,也受到了屏蔽。据报道,谷歌与Reddit签署了一项每年价值6000万美元的协议,使其成为唯一被允许从Reddit抓取数据并生成搜索结果的搜索引擎。然而,Reddit的发言人告诉Engadget,其他搜索引擎未能达成与Reddit关于人工智能数据训练的协议,因此被阻止访问其内容。 具体来...
Rather than being against AI, Reddit wants to be involved in the decision making process for what happens with its data. Oh, and get paid, too. The Verge said Huffman referred to a recent comment from Microsoft AI CEO Mustafa Suleyman as an example of the type of behavior it’s looking...
先说微软和谷歌,最近一件涉及第三方Reddit的消息还牵出了这对“老冤家”。 事情是酱婶儿的~ Reddit被曝屏蔽多个搜索引擎和AI爬虫,其中有Bing但是没有谷歌。 好巧不巧,谷歌今年2月宣布与Reddit达成了一项新协议,Reddit数据将用于训练谷歌的AI模型,并在谷歌搜索结果中着重显示Reddit结果。
We’ve had a chance totest out some of these responses, as well. Although we never saw anything quite like users reported on Reddit, Bing did eventually devolve into arguing. Editors’ Recommendations ChatGPT just dipped its toes into the world of AI agents ...
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