Bing Ads 支持多种预算方式: 1.Daily – Standard 可以控制广告在 24 小时平均展示 2.Daily – Accelerated 将会使广告预算以最快速度消耗完 3.Monthly 将会将预算以最快的速度消耗完。 例如,客户 A 的广告日花费有时会超出预算而暂停,但是月花费有时会低于月预算,那么该客户最适合选择提高日预算的方式来优化...
Bing Ads 支持多种预算方式: 1.Daily – Standard 可以控制广告在 24 小时平均展示 2.Daily – Accelerated 将会使广告预算以最快速度消耗完 3.Monthly 将会将预算以最快的速度消耗完。 例如,客户 A 的广告日花费有时会超出预算而暂停,但是月花费有时会低于月预算,那么该客户最适合选择提高日预算的方式来优化...
Bing Ads 支持您设置日预算和月预算。日预算选项可控制预算的花费速度。 如果您选择月预算,则系统会依据广告点击以最快的速度消耗完。为方便客户管理账户, Bing Ads 支持多种预算方式: 1.Daily – Standard 可以控制广告在 24 小时平均展示 2.Daily – Accelerated 将会使广告预算以最快速度消耗完 3.Monthly 将...
The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.21.March 2024See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month....
The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.21.March 2024See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month....
(accelerated). The monthly budget will be default in an accelerated mode and the amount will be spent as quickly as possible. Under locations and advanced locations options you can choose the targeted country and the audience to whom you wanted to show your ads. You can drill down the ...
Jiusheng Chen's team just got accelerated. They're delivering personalized ads to users of Microsoft Bing with 7x throughput at reduced cost, thanks to NVIDIA Triton Inference Server running on NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs. It's an amazing achievement for the principal software engineering manager...
The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.17.June 2023See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month....
The Bing Ads .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDKs are updated. For details please see release notes for Microsoft Advertising .NET, Java, Php, and Python SDK version 13.0.17.June 2023See below for Bing Ads API updates during this calendar month....