請勿使用這個物件。 請改用 AdsApp 物件。這是用來存取和管理單一帳戶的最上層物件。方法展開資料表 方法名稱傳回類型說明 adGroups AdGroupSelector 取得選取器 ,用來篩選此帳戶中的廣告群組清單。 廣告 AdSelector 取得選取器 ,用來篩選此帳戶中的廣告清單。 預算 BudgetSelector 取得選取器 ,用來篩選此帳戶中...
Bing Ads API v.13 搜尋 概觀 常見問題集 開始使用 使用OAuth 進行驗證 概觀 註冊應用程式 要求使用者同意 取得存取和重新整理令牌 進行您的第一個 API 呼叫 多重要素驗證需求 沙箱 概念 概觀 廣告語言 倒數自定義工具 貨幣 編輯原因代碼 實體限制 地理位置代碼 處理服務錯誤和例外狀況 作業錯誤碼 分析數據 服...
For comprehensive version 13 service reference documentation see Bulk. Breaking Changes Proxy Client Update your proxy client to use the new endpoint address and namespace. The target namespace is https://bingads.microsoft.com/CampaignManagement/v13. The production endpoint is https://bulk.api.bing...
Header elements reference Bing Ads API service operations use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to exchange the request and response messages with the service operation. For more information, seeBing Ads API Services Protocol. Each SOAP request must include the following SOAP headers, which contain...
Services Protocol Review requirements and best practices for using Bing Ads API efficiently. Show Ads to Your Target Audience Target your ads to display to users of a certain age group, display on certain days of the week, or display to users in a particular geographical area. Time Zones List...
For Bing Ads API version 13, added the mapping for TextPart2 in BulkDynamicSearchAd. For more information please see the Dynamic Search Ad:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/advertising/bulk-service/dynamic-search-ad?view=bingads-13#textpart2reference documentation. ...
For Bing Ads API version 13, added the mapping for TextPart2 in BulkDynamicSearchAd. For more information please see the Dynamic Search Ad:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/advertising/bulk-service/dynamic-search-ad?view=bingads-13#textpart2reference documentation. ...
Quick reference guide on how to use cURL to ingerate Bing webmaster tools api's. This will help webmasters to programatically submit content to
So, more than 7 million lines of C# code and more than 8 million lines total. Counting lines of code does not tell you everything about a codebase, but it does give a rough idea of the relative size we are dealing with. Over those 600+ csproj instances, we reference more than 500 ...
4、确定最好的结果 比较确定超好的结果 很确定演 示必应Bing把必应Bing API 作为内容服务Web IndexNews IndexVideo IndexImage IndexFinance DataReference data indexWeather dataMany, many moreWeb IndexNews IndexVideo IndexImage IndexFinance DataReference data indexWeather dataMany, many more哪些合作伙伴在使用...