[MOD]Greed Mode Donation Farming mod贪婪模式捐款机速成MOD Coramoccerror 原作者Wofsauge,好吧我是来求搬运的。谜之下不下来。 http://www.moddingofisaac.com/mod/889/greedmodedonationmachinefa http://www.mediafire.com/download/h7p71cnoygo9933/Greed_mode_don 具体效果是贪婪模式开局自带1美刀+捐款...
[MOD]Greed Mode Donation Farming mod贪婪模式捐款机速成MOD Coramoccerror 原作者Wofsauge,好吧我是来求搬运的。谜之下不下来。 http://www.moddingofisaac.com/mod/889/greedmodedonationmachinefa http://www.mediafire.com/download/h7p71cnoygo9933/Greed_mode_don 具体效果是贪婪模式开局自带1美刀+捐款...
In The Binding of Isaac, there are a total of 14 playable characters. 11 of these characters are available in Rebirth with two more being added in Afterbirth. The final one is added in Afterbirth+. Initially, only Isaac will be accessible and others can be unlocked through various means. ...
My main issue about the Binding of Isaac is just its randomness. While this is one of its greatest assets it also proves to be a double-edged sword at times as one run can get ruined by extreme unluck or lack of keys/bombs, etc. There is a lot of different characters each with ...
The Binding of Isaac Repentance v4.0.1 Patch Notes Balance changes Chance to find max level Shops in Hard mode increased to 50%, and back to how they were previously in normal mode. Added Restock Machines back to Shops, with a 25% chance to replace the Donation Machine. Tinted rocks are...
Isaac: Every binder is going to be tight. That’s the whole purpose. The sizes vary from binder to binder on Underworks’ site depending on your chest measurement. The way one measures the chest isn’t dependent upon whether or not one has breasts. There are other companies on the list...
谜之下不下来。 http://www.moddingofisaac.com/mod/889/greedmodedonationmachinefa http://www.mediafire.com/download/h7p71cnoygo9933/Greed_mode_don 具体效果是贪婪模式开局自带1美刀+捐款机。 使用方式是解压到游戏目录resources文件夹,适合想用自己存档解锁又不想一遍一遍过关存钱的人。