心的种类有三种:红心,白心(eternal heart)和蓝心(soul heart)常见度为红心>蓝心>白心,它们都可以由火焰/通过房间/粑粑/赌博机/特殊道具(如击败boss后获得的the box,箱子,效果为召唤一个心,,钥匙,炸弹,塔罗牌,药品和被动道具)等途径获取.红心最常见也是新手们最常使用的.在无法到达箱子或者教堂的前期,往往有足够...
The Binding of Isaac вики Исследовать Заглавная Общение Всестраницы Сообщество Интерактивныекарты Блогиучастников Rebirth (2014) Предметы Артефакты...
Inscrubtable Exhortations of the Soul Re: The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth +. YE GODS MAN ANOTHER EXPANSION! « Reply #719 on: January 05, 2017, 03:39:36 pm » There's a decent chance you downloaded all the stuff for the DLC. You simply can't unlock it until you pay for. Th...
Binding of Isaac Downloadable Content is now available, the massive update called The Binding of Isaac Repentance was released on March 31. Here are the patch notes for what all has been updated, changed, and new. Are you ready to dive into the new features this rogue-like has to offer?
LostDungeon is a dungeon game inspired by "Soul Knight" and "The Binding of Isaac", supporting multiplayer play together.All resources that relevant to "Soul Knight" and "The Binding of Isaac" has been removed from this repo. Introduction ...
《以撒的结合》(The Binding of Isaac)是一款由Edmund McMillen、Florian Himsl 开发,并由Edmund McMillen最早于2011年09月29日发行的一款2D平面角色扮演、动作冒险RPG类的独立游戏。游戏的角色将在有着能够提升能力的道具与特殊技能的半RPG世界中闯荡。 [1]《以撒的结合:胎衣†》于2017年1月3日登陆Steam。 [...