In The Binding of Isaac, there are a total of 14 playable characters. 11 of these characters are available in Rebirth with two more being added in Afterbirth. The final one is added in Afterbirth+. Initially, only Isaac will be accessible and others can be unlocked through various means. ...
Bug!Teleporting to the Super Secret Room in Greed or Greedier Mode, when the room is generated behind a still-locked Treasure Room, can trap Isaac inside. Bug! Curse of the Mazecan move a room in a way that prevents creating a red room that connects to the Ultra Secret Room leading to...
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth is the massively updated expansion to 2014's roguelike of the year, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. Following Isaac one more time on his journey players will find bizarre treasures that change Isaac’s form giving him super human abilities and enabling him to ...
When Isaac’s mother starts hearing the voice of God demanding a sacrifice be made to prove her faith, Isaac escapes into the basement facing droves of deranged enemies, lost brothers and sisters, his fears, and eventually his mother. The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth is the massively updated ...
Quickly find all the information you need about the game Binding of Isaac: Rebirth and all DLCs: Afterbirth, Afterbirth+, Repentance, Repentance+ and also Antibirth mod. Have trouble identifying an item? - Use your device's camera to quickly identify an item - Advanced search featuring aspect ...
《以撒的结合:重生(The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)》简体中文补丁 好人三汉化组 荣誉出品 在国内直播界大红大紫的《以撒的结合》是一款随机生成的地牢动作射击类游戏。玩家在闯关的过程中会发现许多奇怪的宝物,它们将改变以撒的外貌,给予他各种不同的能力。 《以撒的结合:重生》是其前作的完全重置版,使用了新的...
Flip is an unlockable activated item added in The Binding of Isaac: Repentance. It is the starting item for Tainted Lazarus. While holding Flip, when Isaac enters a new room containing an item (Treasure Room, Shop, etc.), the item pedestal will have a se
When Isaac’s mother starts hearing the voice of God demanding a sacrifice be made to prove her faith, Isaac escapes into the basement facing droves of deranged enemies, lost brothers and sisters, his fears, and eventually his mother. Gameplay The Binding of Isaac is a randomly generated act...
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth is the massively updated expansion to 2014's roguelike of the year, The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth. Following Isaac one more time on his journey players will find bizarre treasures that change Isaac’s form giving him supe
A Quarter is an unlockable passive item. Gives Isaac 25 Pennies. It has a chance to spawn when Urns are destroyed or by killing Super Greed. Multiple Quarters can be dropped in the same run by Super Greed. Will not spawn from Urns once picked up. Rerolli