Isaac (Charakter) Magdalene Cain Judas Eve ??? (Charakter) Samson Ebenen 1 Basement Caves The Depths The Womb Sheol Ebenen 2 Cellar Catacombs Necropolis Utero Cathedral The Chest Stats Seiten 2 Gegner Bosse The Harbingers Todsünden Errungenschaften Heraus...
A twisted twin-stick shooter from one of the designers of Super Meat Boy. Players take control of Isaac, a young boy who delves deep into the dungeons of his basement as he is hunted by his deranged mother.
《以撒的结合:重生(The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)》简体中文补丁 好人三汉化组 荣誉出品 在国内直播界大红大紫的《以撒的结合》是一款随机生成的地牢动作射击类游戏。玩家在闯关的过程中会发现许多奇怪的宝物,它们将改变以撒的外貌,给予他各种不同的能力。 《以撒的结合:重生》是其前作的完全重置版,使用了新的...
Kill Isaac with Samson.Blood Rights Kill Satan with Samson.As well as the able you will also unlock the following items as you work towards RPG/1001% For beating Boss Rush - Samson's Chains For beating Mom's Heart on Hard Mode - Fighting Baby (co-op character) ...
___,以撒(Isaac),该隐(Cain),参孙(Samson),夏娃(Eve),抹大拉(Magdalene),丢失(The Lost),犹大的阴影(Judas' Shadow),拉撒路_复兴_(Lazarus _Revived_),犹大(Judas),拉撒路(Lazarus)
The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb is the expansion to The Binding of Isaac, a randomly generated action RPG shooter with heavy Rogue-like elements. Following Isaac on his journey players will find bizarre treasures that change Isaac’s form giving
The Binding of Isaac Вики 1370 страниц Исследовать Заглавная Общение Всестраницы Сообщество Интерактивныекарты Блогиучастников Rebirth (2014) Предметы...
physical change on Isaac, so the by the end you look like a walking nightmare. There has been more than one time during my play through where I was tempted to take a screen shot of my absurd character just to show my friends just how disfigured Isaac had become on this particular run....