由此可见,“Binding of Isaac”中的“Binding”应为绑缚之意,而非结合之意。游戏之所以会选择旧约中的...
《The Binding of Isaac》是由艾德蒙·麦克米伦制作的独立游戏,最初以Flash形式发布于蒸汽平台。游戏背景设定在现代,以撒的母亲在受到神的指示后,意图驱除家中对神不敬的物品,最终决定杀害以撒。以撒逃出生天,玩家需要在地下城中击败敌人与头目,最终与母亲对决。游戏故事基于《圣经:旧约》中的“亚伯拉...
“The Binding of Isaac”的中文翻译是“以撒的结合”。 《The Binding of Isaac》的基本介绍 《The Binding of Isaac》是一款由Edmund McMillen和Florian Himsl开发的独立游戏,最初于2011年9月29日在Steam平台上发行。这款游戏以其独特的剧情设定和丰富的游戏玩法吸引了大量...
十年过去了 它依旧是最好的肉鸽游戏 《以撒的结合》(The Binding of Isaac)是一款由Edmund McMillen与Florian Himsl共同开发的Roguelike地牢冒险类独立游戏。从最初2011年发布的基于FLASH的“简陋”版本,直到如今最新的官方版本《救赎》,近十年过去,《以撒的结合》依旧是最优秀的Roguelike游戏之一。 一、别具特色的艺术...
The Binding of Isaac is a fun and surreal platform game in which you must control Isaac and help him through the Basement of Unknown. Isaac has been abandoned by his mother who wanted to sacrifice him - you must do whatever you can to survive and use you
Twitter Google Share on Facebook akedah (redirected fromBinding of Isaac) Encyclopedia Wikipedia akedah (əˈkaɪdɑː) n the Biblical story known as the Binding of Isaac, Genesis 22:1-24 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers...
1.一共两个大版本,建议买The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Complete Bundle,里面有以撒的结合:重生的全部DLC内容,可以获得最完整的游戏体验。 2.另一个大版本是The Binding of Isaac,这是以撒原版,也就是flash版,难度相比新版更高,配上原版的DLC: Wraith of the Lamb(俗称羔羊版本)难度更高;流畅度略低(因为是...
The Binding of Isaac Wiki is a huge, informative Wiki site focusing on the famous indie game series ''The Binding of Isaac'', including the original game and its ''Rebirth'' remake. The Wiki contains a lot of official information about characters, items,
The Binding of Isaac Wiki is a huge, informative Wiki site focusing on the famous indie game series ''The Binding of Isaac'', including the original game and its ''Rebirth'' remake. The Wiki contains a lot of official information about characters, items,
Repent? But we just pented!! - Fantastic roguelite The Binding of Isaac has been around for a decade since its original Flash incarnation. On Switch alone it...