里里以撒 用里以撒进入第一个宝箱房后用炸弹炸宝箱房内道具,会切换成一个新的副手主动,然后走回溯线,可以直接用这个副手主动开谜之门,然后会有道具替换爸爸的便条,拾取后直接回家,走到浴室,会出一个金钥匙,用金钥匙能打开卧室的金箱子,进入后接触里里以撒解锁 里里抹大拉 用里抹大拉 进入第一个献祭房后用...
以撒的结合mod The Binding of Isaac: Epiphany part2 里里以撒 详见论文BV1RA4m1c7a5类似与堕化以撒,该角色只能拥有四件被动道具,初始携带次要主动道具枯萎骰子, 使用枯萎骰子的时候会移除当前选中的被动道具,然后生成和被移除的道具相同道具池的两个道具,只能选一个,生成的道具品质有概率上升或下降,生成的道具不...
While others focused on the festive hunting of animal wallets in Kyrat, I was gritting my teeth and hitting ‘New Run’ to send tears flying at faeces. The Basement and its insta-death despised me. Isaac refused to co-operate; gleefully handing over runs of all coins and no keys, all ...
The epiphany was a thunderclap in Max’s metal skull. “I know where to get one. Organic.” He knew his father would rather die than take his own son’s Augmented brain, would rather perish than kill his kid, so Max knew to head that objection off at the pass. “Lightly used.” M...
里里以撒 用里以撒进入第一个宝箱房后用炸弹炸宝箱房内道具,会切换成一个新的副手主动,然后走回溯线,可以直接用这个副手主动开谜之门,然后会有道具替换爸爸的便条,拾取后直接回家,走到浴室,会出一个金钥匙,用金钥匙能打开卧室的金箱子,进入后接触里里以撒解锁 ...