德国宾德BINDER精密烘箱ED56/ED115/ED260干燥箱 在线交易 品牌BINDER宾德 深圳市怡华新电子有限公司 2年 查看详情 ¥9999.00/台 广东广州 BINDER 宾得 强制对流烘箱 DRYING CHAMBER 销售 维修 来美科技品牌 广州来美科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 面议 上海 德国宾德FD720烘箱 BINDER 进口电热鼓风干燥箱 强制对流...
Model FD 115 | Drying and heating chambers with forced convection A BINDER FD series Avantgarde.Line heating oven is always used when fast drying and sterilization is required. Thanks to its fully homogeneous temperature distribution, quick dynamics and powerful fan, this heating oven saves valuable ...
德国宾德binder可燃溶剂防爆真空烘箱 干燥箱VDL23 VDL56 VDL115 ¥ 9999.00 /台 宾德真空烘箱,防爆真空烘箱,宾德真空干燥箱,VDL23真空烘箱,VDL115真空烘箱 机械设备/干燥设备/干燥箱 立即拨号 BINDER 宾得 强制对流烘箱 ,烘箱 DRYING CHAMBER 销售 维修 价格面议 恒温试验设备公司,恒温试验设备价格表,恒温试...
BINDER 宾得 强制对流烘箱 ,烘箱 DRYING CHAMBER 销售 维修 价格面议 恒温试验设备公司,恒温试验设备价格表,恒温试验设备厂家,恒温试验设备,恒温试验设备价格 机械设备/行业专用设备/其他行业专用设备 立即拨号 Binder宾得标准连接器 插头 693系列 99 4221 00 04 ¥ 46.00 /个 Binder宾得标准连接器,插头,693系...
BINDER 宾得 强制对流烘箱 ,烘箱 DRYING CHAMBER 销售 维修 广州易测科学仪器有限公司 5年 月均发货速度: 暂无记录 广东 广州市 ¥6666.00 Baumer堡盟HOGS75 DN 1HOGS75KC DNHS35F 01024编码器 Hubaner 规格 HOGS75,DN,1024,26H7,KLR,B、HOGS75,DN,1024,R,14H7,KLR,B、HOGS75,DN,1024,R,26H7...
• Model ED-S 115 | Drying and heating chambers with natural convection • Temperature range: +7°C above ambient temperature to +250 °C• APT.line™ preheating chamber technology • Natural convection • ... Compare this product See the other productsBINDER chamber ovenHF3000 mel...
The inner chamber is made of Type 304 stainless steel and has rounded edges and internally welded seams for easy cleaning. The interior is completely tempered, which prevents condensation and ensures that moisture deposits will not impair drying results. A preheating chamber allows all connecting ...
BINDER 宾得 强制对流烘箱 ,烘箱 DRYING CHAMBER 销售 维修 价格面议 恒温试验设备公司,恒温试验设备价格表,恒温试验设备厂家,恒温试验设备,恒温试验设备价格 机械设备/行业专用设备/其他行业专用设备 立即拨号 Binder宾得标准连接器 插头 693系列 99 4221 00 04 ¥ 46.00 /个 Binder宾得标准连接器,插头,693...
Samples in plastic containers were placed in a climatic test chamber (WK3-180/40, Weiss Technik, Grand Rapids, USA), and water was added into the containers so that half (≈10 mm) of the samples were submerged in water and the other half were exposed to air. The water level was kept...
• Model ED-S 56 | Drying and heating chambers with natural convection • Temperature range: +7°C above ambient temperature to +250 °C• APT.line™ preheating chamber technology • Natural convection • Adjustable exhaust air flap • Controller ... Compare this product See the ...