... manufacturers: / increasing the capacity of the CAB continuous lines with the addition of a Convection Preheat Chamber, / replace water cooled chambers with an air jacket solution, / replace fiber ... Compare this product See the other productsSECO/WARWICK S.A. chamber furnaceCaseMaster...
BINDER heating chambers meet the requirements for a scientific laboratory test chamber in every respect, with their outstanding temperature accuracy, homogeneous heat distribution, and residue-free drying being the most impressive highlights. Characterized by a robust and durable quality, these units also ...
德国宾得恒温恒湿箱(Binder Constant Climate Chamber)是一种专用于进行温度和湿度控制的实验设备。它是由德国的宾得公司设计和制造的,被广泛应用于科研、工业生产和实验室中。
BINDER Vacuum Drying Chambers VD和VDL系列用户手册说明书 Vacuum drying chambers VD | VDL series US www.atecorp.com
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植物生长箱(Growth Chamber) PH 迷你三气培养箱 上海一恒生化培养箱BPC-70F 锦玟侧面光照培养箱JPGX-350B种子发芽箱 SHP型生化培养箱 曲线控制十段编程霉菌培养箱ZXJP-A1230 原ZJP-A1230A 程控光照培养箱(种子箱) 【德国/Binder】CB系列二氧化碳培养箱信息由德隆泰国际贸易(香港)有限公司为您提供,如...
Model Spray chamber adapter vendor code: 21-809-4237 KN 35-1 SOK7D1611001 HERZOG自动控制器8-6998-353535-8 Hawe油压传动阀DG8F BOLL & KIRCH Filterbau GmbH垫圈3380771 Y.2951.0088 W NOWOFOL型号PFA 6515TZ HAHN Gasfedern型号G06-15-80-1-188-AR16 ...
BINDER 宾得 强制对流烘箱 DRYING CHAMBER 销售 维修 来美科技品牌 广州来美科技有限公司 2年 查看详情 面议 上海 德国宾德FD720烘箱 BINDER 进口电热鼓风干燥箱 强制对流 宾德品牌 简测实业(上海)有限公司 3年 查看详情 面议 上海 宾德ED115烘箱 德国BINDER 自然对流 实验室干燥箱 宾德品牌 简测实业(上海)有...
Find the ideal climate chamber in just three clicks The product finder on the BINDER website allows you to find the ideal unit to suit your needs in no time at all. Quick, straightforward, and efficient. Website: https://www.binder-world.com/en/Product-finder UF V 系列 | 超低温冰箱 ...
For example, the service life of products and their resistance against environmental influences is tested by simulating a ten year weathering process for a polymer in a BINDER simulation chamber in just a few days. In addition to lean and flexible production structures, the company’s strength is...