42 And aIsaiah, who declared by prophecy that the Redeemer was anointed to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the bcaptives, and the opening of the cprison to them that were bound, were also there. 42还有a以赛亚也在那里,他曾借预言宣布救赎主被膏抹,要医好破碎之心的人...
I think I’ll tag along, just to bind up your injuries, if nothing else.” Penso che mi unirò a te, se non altro per medicare le tue ferite.» Literature " He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, " Mi ha inviato per fasciare quelli che hanno il cuore spezzato,...
I grew up in the Black church. It’s almost a label —“Black Church” — as it doesn’t merely describe a church peopled with Black folk, but instead regards an institution uniquely of its own creation. Packed with history, much of which is trauma-generated, the Black Church has come...